同惠TH1941/TH1942Features ■21,000/51,000-count display■Large VFD dual-display with high brightness■True RMS AC voltage and current measurements, frequency up to 100kHz
■21,000/51,000-count display
■Large VFD dual-display with high brightness
■True RMS AC voltage and current measurements, frequency up to 100kHz
■12 measurement functions, including DCV/ACV, DCI/ACI, Ω, frequency/period, diode, conduction, dBm, etc.
■Parameters AC+DC, AC+Hz, Readout+%, and Readout+dBm synchronously displayed
■Measurement speed up to 15times/second (TH1941), and 30 times/second (TH1942)
■DCV measurement accuracy up to 0.02%, resolution of 10µV
■Measured value displayed in the form of percentage
■REL measurement mode to eliminate stray reading
■Calibration without uncovering
■Limit function (HI/IN/LO) for fast sorting
■Standard RS232C communication interface providing convenient system communication mode
Brief Introduction
■TH1941 4 1/2-digit and TH1942 50,000-count digital multimeters are voltage/current/resistance tester with multi functions and low cost. The instrument can stably perform measurement at high speed as several times as other instruments at the same level. It provides excellent performance, such as maximum reading of 21,000/51,000 counts, maximum DC voltage accuracy of 0.02%, and low cost to give you a best choice.
Having VFD dual-display with high brightness, TH1941/TH1942 can synchronously display measurement parameters, such as AC/DC voltage or current, AC voltage/current and frequency to improve measurement efficiency and display results clearly.
The instrument is equipped with SMD component inside to reduce density and physical size.
The instrument comes standard with RS232C communication interface and common communication software is optional to meet the need of communication with computer, data analysis and statistics, and building
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